Flag Day Event Honors OC Veterans on Saturday, June 8 at 11:00 am

Please join the Ocean City Gardens Civic Association (OCGCA) as we celebrate Flag Day and honor our Ocean City veterans on Saturday, June 8.
Mayor Jay Gillian will open the ceremony at 11:00 am by the Flag area at the Longport Bridge entrance to Ocean City. The Veterans of Foreign War and the American Legion members will be joined by friends and neighbors, and refreshments will be served following the ceremony.
Our OCGCA events are open to all! Please join us as we honor those who have given so much in the service of our Nation. For additional information about the event, the OCGCA, or to help in any way, please email LJWatts4@aol.com.
The OCGCA will be collecting soiled and worn flags at this time for proper disposition.