4 Things To Look Forward To In 2023 In Ocean City

Veronica Flesher, Patch Staff
2022 was a good year for Ocean City. We enjoyed new businesses (so many new restaurants!), watched as a local made history on “Jeopardy!” and of course, enjoyed endless sunny days relaxing on our favorite beaches.
But as the year draws to an end, there’s plenty of fun and excitement to look forward to in 2023. Here are four things Patch is excited to see next year in Ocean City.
The Return Of Movies On The Boardwalk
This might be some of the biggest news Ocean City saw this year, and it only came out in the beginning of December. The historic Moorlyn Theatre recently got new owners and they’re promising to bring movies back to Ocean City.
“The Moorlyn has long been a dream project for us due to its incredibly rich history in serving Ocean City and surrounding community with entertainment since the early 1900’s,” Town Square Entertainment, the building’s new owners, wrote in their announcement.
While no official timeline has been shared, the Philadelphia Inquirer reported that it could open as early as this summer.
Delicious New Food
It’s always exciting when new restaurants open up. Pennsylvania-based seafood chain La La Lobster already has announced its plans to expand to Ocean City in 2023.
While Ocean City sadly lost several great restaurants this past year, the new year will hopefully bring wonderful new places to the island.
We’ll have to wait and see what else comes to Ocean City next year.
Jitney’s Second Year
Ocean City launched a pilot program in 2022 for a new jitney service. It went well, and the program is officially returning in 2023.
Ridership feedback was “overwhelmingly positive,” said Director of Community Services Daniel Kelchner, and a new contract was awarded for the 2023 season at a recent City Council meeting.
A primary evening route will run 55th Street to Battersea Road, and an optional morning route that runs Asbury Avenue for the entire length of the island, according to a memo by Kelchner in the Council’s agenda packet.
Exciting New Projects
City officials recently announced their five-year capital plan, stretching from 2023 through 2027, and some exciting things are in the works in the next year.
Residents can look forward to a new airport terminal with restaurant and golf pro shop, a new shuffleboard building, playground and entrance area at Carey Stadium, a complete renovation of Grimes Field and a facelift for the recreation facility on the 3400 block of West/Asbury, among others.
Other items of note are road paving, flood mitigation and drainage projects, and beach replenishment and dredging.