Ocean City Flower Show To Go Virtual Again

The 48th annual Ocean City Flower Show is seeking photographs of home gardens and flower arrangements for this year’s virtual event.
Kimberlee Bongard, Patch Staff
OCEAN CITY, NJ — The 48th annual Ocean City Flower Show will continue virtually this year by showcasing photos of local garden displays online.
The Ocean City Flower Show Committee decided to hold this year’s event virtually rather than at the Music Pier due to COVID-19 concerns.
The committee is seeking photographs of home gardens and flower arrangements for the virtual event.
Individual flowers, container gardening, flower gardens, vegetable gardens, house plants and door wreaths are all welcome. As long the plants are living, they will be accepted.
Participants of all ages and levels are welcome to submit photographs.
Photos can be submitted to events@ocnj.us. A few submissions will be featured on the Ocean City Music Pier Facebook page.
The submission deadline is June 1, and featured selections will be posted on June 3 and 4. There is no theme but participants should include their name, contact information, a description and any special information about their entry.