Beach Replenishment To Begin This Week In Ocean City

Veronica Flesher, Patch Staff
Expect to see equipment on the beach as early as Nov. 15 as the latest beach replenishment project by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers gets underway.
Weather permitting, the project that will replenish dunes on Ocean City’s southern end as well as in Strathmere and Sea Isle City should begin work on Nov. 18 or 19, according to Mayor Jay Gillian.
On that day, “crews from Great Lakes Dredge and Dock Company will place a subline that will carry sand from a borrow area near Corson’s Inlet to the beach at 56th Street,” Gillian said.
Before the end of November, sand-pumping will begin. Crews will work from 56th Street to 45th Street with about 1,000 feet of beach closed at a time as they head north. When that work is complete, the direction of work will flip to the south to finish the area from 56th Street to 59th Street, Gillian said.
There should be about 16 days of pumping in Ocean City before the work is complete in mid-December and moves onto Strathmere, Gillian said.
Ocean City will receive 257,000 cubic yards of new sand, and “will be requesting additional stockpiles for emergency use,” Gillian said. Read more: $33.7M Dune Replenishment Project Set For Ocean City, More
“We have been working with the Army Corps and the state Department of Environmental Protection for more than 30 years on these projects, and I’m grateful for an excellent working partnership to protect our coastline,” Gillian said.