It’s May, and in Ocean City, that means paying for parking meters and stopping on red at certain intersections. All parking meters by City Ordinance are operational, police announced Wednesday. All traffic lights previously on flash mode are operating at…
There’s always buzz around the best cities for real estate or the ideal communities for first-time home-buyers. These are typically long-established homeowning hotspots whose real estate markets are beginning to slow. So which communities are, in fact, seeing the fastest…
The Boardwalk is the center of their universe when Meghan and Adam Hubley bring their children, Ava, 8, Sadie, 6, and Adelina, 3, on trips to Ocean City from their home in Mullica Hill, N.J. “We like to go on…
Only a year after its devastating 1927 Boardwalk fire, Ocean City began construction on a grand concert hall that was to become the epicenter of entertainment and cultural arts in the resort town. The 1928 cornerstone plaque on the outside…
Free tree seedlings will be available to Ocean City residents on April 1 as part of the New Jersey Tree Recovery Campaign. This program helps communities replace trees damaged or destroyed by Superstorm Sandy. From 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday,…