Ocean City Bay Ave. Project Update: Oct. 21-25

Here’s the latest update on the Bay Avenue Project.
Work for the week of Oct. 21 to 25
As of Oct. 18, the contractor will have installed pipe between 30th and 31st Street along Bay Avenue with all trenches being backfilled and paved to a point 150 feet north of 30th Street. On Monday, work will continue to move northward on Bay Avenue up to and possibly beyond 29th Street. It is expected that one crew will be working in this area for the duration of the week.
Bay Avenue will be closed between 34th Street and 24th Street. Traffic detours will be established to divert motorists to West Avenue. The map below depicts the northbound and southbound traffic patterns to be followed. Please obey all established traffic patterns. (Only local traffic will be permitted on Bay Avenue.)
See the traffic pattern below: