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Boat America – Boating Safety Class

Boat America - Boating Safety Class

U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, Flotilla 81, is offering its Boat America boating safety class on Saturday, May 20, 2023. The class will be held at St. Peter’s United Methodist Church, located at 8th St. and Central Ave. in Ocean City. The course begins at 8:30 AM and runs to 5:00 PM. The cost of the course is $60.00, which includes all training materials. Additional classes are being offered on June 10th, and June 24th for the 2023 boating season.

Boat America is the Auxiliary’s basic safe boating class. New Jersey law requires all operators of power boats to complete an approved boating safety class as a requirement for obtaining a NJ Boating Safety Certificate. This course will provide the knowledge necessary to obtain that certification and includes the proctored exam. The Flotilla 81 website contains information about the classes along with several links to register for one of the classes, just click on the following link for additional guidance on completing the registration process: